KANCOM proposes telecom services related to organization and provision of telecom circuits within Kyiv area applying the following technology:

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Hits: 4477

The works on construction of the internal distribution networks in TEC “Rainbow” located at 40, Budivelnykiv str., Kyiv have already commenced.

We kindly invite the lessees of TEC “Rainbow” to conclude contracts for provision of telecom services.

To obtain more detailed information regarding services and tariffs, please, contact our commercial department at tel: (044) 536-90-00.

Hits: 3773

 SPECIAL OFFER for residents of HC "Country House"!!!

From 01.03.2015 till 31.05.2015

Internet connection - 1.00 UAH

Hits: 3459

The works on construction of the external telecom network in TEC “Rainbow” located at 40, Budivelnykiv str., Kyiv have already commenced.

Hits: 4015

A General Agreement for provision of telecom services with the Customer Housing Complex TEC “Rainbow”.

Hits: 4252

Subject to Resolution of National commission for state regulation of communication and information dated September 02, 2014 "On approval of Margin tariffs for public telecommunications services", from September 15, 2014 the Subscriber's fee will be increased as follows:

  • up to 29.91 UAH (VAT excl.) for population and budget institutions;
  • up to 43.08 UAH (VAT excl.) for non-budget organizations.

Please, see NCCRI web-site: http://nkrzi.gov.ua/index.php?r=site/index&pg=99&id=640&language=uk

Hits: 3273

A General Agreement for provision of telecom services with the Customer HC “Synioozerny” is already signed.

HC “Synioozerny” is a modern comfortable housing complex located at Pravdy avenue and Georgia Gongadze avenue crossing.

Hits: 4787

A General Agreement for provision of telecom services with the Customer Housing Complex at 9g, Vershygory str. is already signed

Hits: 3427

Beginning with July 01, 2014 the following charges are cancelled:

  • one-time fee for connection of Kyiv city telephone number;
  • one-time fee for connection of video content, provided, the Customer has access to Kancom Internet service
  • monthly charge for video content transmission .

Hits: 1511

HC “Gloria Park” is a modern comfortable business and housing complex in the center of Kyiv.

Kancom launches works on design and construction of the entrance telephone duct to the apartment blocks of HC “Gloria Park” and preparatory works for construction of the cabel distribution network.

Hits: 3118
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